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Z1 Energy MarketCommunication

Market communication with AS4 for the German energy sector

Comply with EDI@Energy: We support the exchange of EDIFACT messages, Gas, schedule management via AS4, and Redispatch 2.0 data through email.
Marktkommunikation Energiewirtschaft EDI@Energy

Comply with German energy communication standards


Benefit from our comprehensive solution designed specifically for the energy market, offering secure EDIFACT market communication, schedule management via AS4, and Redispatch 2.0 process data through email.

Z1 Energy MarketCommunication is an extension of the proven Z1 SecureMail Gateway, that connects to your business application (ERP/B2B) through an email interface. It manages cryptographically secure digital communication according to the current EDI@Energy requirements for certificates, algorithms, processes, and protocols. It automates certificate management for both email and AS4. Clearing case management is available and can be set up to redirect messages to designated inboxes. And with real-time monitoring, you maintain a comprehensive view within market communication.

See all features and benefits.

Automatically manage AS4 certificates

Zertificon is a leader in automated certificate management. Z1 products seamlessly handle every phase – from procurement to continuous certificate management, including the search for market partners’ certificates. In addition to email certificates compliant with the EDI@Energy’s RSASSA-PSS algorithm, Zertificon now also offers procurement and management of AS4 certificate triples.

Learn more ➔

AS4 Certificate triple procurement and management for Market Communication
AS4 Changeover Path Switch EDI@Energy

Hassle-free AS4 Path Switch

Z1 Energy MarketCommunication can fully automate the AS4 Path Switch management for all or individual market partners, ensuring compliance without the stress.

Learn more ➔

Z1 Cryptographic Module – a cost-effective alternative to HSM

Is the use of an HSM mandatory according to the Smart Metering PKI guidelines? Not if you are a passive external market participant. Zertificon offers an affordable alternative to HSM for Security Level 1. It’s called Z1 Cryptographic Module.

Learn more ➔

Crytography module for EDI@Energy according to Certificate Policy of the SM PKI of the Federal Government

What happens if my communication partner can’t follow all the EDI@Energy rules?

AS4 Clearing Case Management

In this case our solution offers a feature called Clearing Case Management.

If, for example, your partner doesn’t use the latest encryption and signing algorithm, messages are sent to a designated clearing case inbox.

This allows you to process messages in a structured way. If clearing cases accumulate in short period of time, you’ll receive alert notifications. Also, for specific market partners addresses, you can set up custom email rules (policies) that are a bit more flexible with the compliance rules. This ensures a smooth flow of communication, even if there are minor deviations from the standard.

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Z1 Energy software at a glance

  1. EDI@Energy-compliance: exchange of EDIFACT messages, schedule management using AS4 and Redispatch 2.0 data through email
  2. Highly automated switch to the latest transmission standards
  3. Automated email and AS4 certificate procurement
  4. Automated certificate search and certificate management – including your own and your market partner’s, for both email and AS4
  5. Dedicated market partner address management with access control
  6. Hassle-free clearing case management through automation; configure alert notifications individually
  7. Informative monitoring and reporting
  8. High reliability through cluster implementation
  9. Available on-premises or in the cloud; integrate with Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and SMTP infrastructures
  10. Outsource hosting: Available as SaaS through Zertificon’s MSSP partners

Helping customers adapt to changing EDI@Energy guidelines with minimum effort

We plan ahead, ensuring our customers adopt new guidelines, with maximum convenience and always on time. Since 2007, companies in the German energy sector have trusted us. We’ve consistently adapted our solutions to evolving market needs and will continue to do so. 

Our prime expertise lies in the automated certificate management for both email and AS4, delivering notable efficiency and cost savings to our clients. Many energy firms, meter operators, distribution system operators, and transmission system operators benefit from our specialized solution.

Customer Testimonials:

Logo Stadtwerk Saarbrücken
Logo BS Energy
Logo Erlanger Stadtwerk
Logo Rheinenergy
Logo Soluvia Energy
Logo Stadtwerke Potsdam
Logo Engie
Logo Lechwerke

“We made the right decision back then and couldn’t be happier. Zertificon’s solution enables us to meet all market communication demands and operating the gateway requires minimal effort. The administrative part is straightforward, and new team members get up to speed quickly.”

Martin Rieger, IT-Leiter

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