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Zertificon Secure Email Policy

I want to exchange secure emails with Zertificon

Zertificon always encrypts all emails if a valid public key can be found to the recipient.

For secure communication without certificates, get in touch with your Zertificon contact. You will receive access to our secure Z1 SecureMail solution.

Encrypt with S/MIME or OpenPGP

Sending encrypted emails to Zertificon
  • You can find the certificate of your Zertificon contact at Z1 Global TrustPoint
  • For gateway-to-gateway encryption, use our company certificates (S/MIME or OpenPGP)
  • For us to encrypt our emails to you, simply publish your certificates at Z1 Global TrustPoint or send us a signed email with your certificate attached
  • Certificates issued from unknown CAs and trust centers cannot be validated. Please get in touch with us so that we can see whether we can add the CA to our repository

How do I know that the email I received really is from Zertificon?

Zertificon emails are sent from the domain Our newsletters come from the subdomain

All emails sent from us are signed and use DKIM, SPF and DMARC.

I want to send a file or a large amount of data to Zertificon

Sending attachments to Zertificon
  • Emails larger than 30 MB will be rejected. To securely transfer large files please ask your contact person at Zertificon for an upload link to our Z1 SecureHub
  • Do not send us executable files, scripts or macros. All attachments from incoming emails that could potentially contain maicious content (viruses etc.) will be deleted
  • Microsoft Office files with macros will be deleted. Learn how to delete macros from documents
  • Please convert your documents to PDF or CSV files before sending them
  • ZIP archives and PDF files with attachments will only be accepted if all contained file types comply with our email policy
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