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Z1 Energy Web API services for MaLo IDs
24-hour supplier change (24h-Lieferantenwechsel) in market communication electricity for suppliers (LF) and network operators (NB)
As part of the regulatory changes for the “24h-Lieferantenwechsel” starting on June 6, 2025 (Federal Network Agency resolution BK6-22-024), the EDI@Energy regulations require a new process for identifying market locations (MaLo), including the use of a Web API Service. These changes only affect the roles of LF (supplier) and NB (network operator).
Features of the Z1 Energy Web API Service
Web API with MaLo ID functionality
The Z1 Energy Web API Service enables secure and reliable market communication between suppliers and network operators. It complies with the specifications of the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) and thus ensures compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Market Partner Management
Our Z1 Energy Web API Service enables the management of Web API market partners, allowing you to efficiently organize market communication. The internal routing can be configured separately for each internal Web API market partner.
Web API Directory Service (“Verzeichnisdienst”)
Our product Z1 Energy provides a directory for certificate triple metadata, such as the API endpoint. Alternatively, you can continue to use an existing Web API directory service.
Certificate Management
Z1 Energy handles all steps of the lifecycle management for EMT.API certificate triples. These certificate triples can be ordered from the DARZ SM-PKI Sub-CA via Zertificon.
Dashboards and notifications are available in the product for monitoring Web API calls.

Integration with business applications / ERP
With the Z1 Energy ERP Adapters, data is seamlessly exchanged between Z1 Energy and your internal ERP systems using email or the internal Z1 REST API. You can configure market partners flexibly. It is also possible to integrate two different business applications. For example, data for one market partner can be sent to an application via email, while data for another market partner can be sent via REST to a different application.